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Old 10-23-2012, 02:40 AM   #458
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Anthony Crane
Cambridge Industries
GS Industries
Dade International
GT Bicycle
Asimco Technologies

Oh, and the unconscionable rape of Burger King.
All I need, and the ONLY thing I'll accept, are the number of jobs lost from Bain Capital, during the the time Romney was the CEO, and the number of jobs gained from Bain Capital's work, during the time Romney was CEO. And the link to the authoritative origin of those numbers.

A simple list of company names is not what's needed, here. Here's a hint. You don't have what you need, and you never will, and I doubt anyone has those figures, because they're so widely disbursed across several companies.

That's WHY the Obama campaign seized on it - because they can't be called liars easily, and certainly not before the election day.

This is Romney's strong point in the campaign - jobs. If they can make you doubt him on that point, they're well on their way to a win on election day. It's the same way Kerry was hit with the "riverboat vets for truth" project. Nobody could really say what Kerry's actions were in Vietnam, but nobody could really dispute what the "vets" were saying, either.

Just plant as big a doubt as you can, about the opponent.

I heard a smear about Obama today. While at Harvard as editor of the law review paper, two male workers quit and filed sexual harassment charges against the school, claiming Obama was the perpetrator.

Harvard paid out to both the students in both cases, under the condition the students kept silent.

Do I believe it? It doesn't matter. Whether Obama was secretly a sexual harasser or not, doesn't interest me. His policies and their success or failure, determine my opinion of Obama, as President.


Last edited by Adak; 10-23-2012 at 02:51 AM.
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