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Old 10-23-2012, 07:30 AM   #459
infinite monkey
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Originally Posted by Flint View Post
I think my point was clear: it is not only insurmountably illogical, but a tragic statement on the state of politics, both at the 'career' level, and here, among friends, that a full 50% of American citizens are labeled as "bad" people.

I don't believe that 50% of us are "bad" people, and I am saddened that you thought this observation deserved a snarky slapdown.
That wasn't a snarky slapdown, it was my view on your view...presented in my typical way (i.e. humor rather than 15 pages of the aforementioned 'smart guy' speak.) God forbid anyone inject any levity into all this nonsense.

I certainly don't think 50% of us are bad people. That's ludicrous. (Some of my best friends and relatives are conservatives.) I just don't believe that everyone loves children and puppies, and I don't believe Romney, in particular, has any real desire to grow the middle class (without which our country cannot survive, imo.)

What happened to you Flint? You used to have a sense of humor.
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