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Old 10-24-2012, 04:43 PM   #504
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce View Post
Yes Adak keeps repeating the same distortions, half truths, and outright lies, over and over hoping they'll be believed by someone that hasn't fact checked his bullshit.

I'm sure he's read this entire thread and knows they've been proven wrong, but keeps repeating them anyway, which proves he's a shill for the party.
As opposed to the wonderful economic theory that you have proposed!

I have seen why you guys keep repeating the "same bullshit" however. I believe you have not seen the beauty of a free market capitalist economy, at work. It's undeniable beauty is a real surprise. Just an example to whet your appetite:

a small family is struggling to pay a 402 Euro energy bill each month. They got together with others, found a competing energy company with a better price, and switched to it.

Results? Their energy is now MUCH less. Less than 1/4th of what it had been:

Notice the elements:

Competing (energy) companies
enlightened consumers acting in their own best interests

And no government agency telling them what they can or can not do, in shopping around for the best price. It's a beautiful thing.

I contrast that with the state I live in - California, and what it has done and still doing, under a heavily liberal state government.

Our energy prices have gone through the roof (there is no competition in the energy market), the "compliant" liberal politicians have all agreed to overly generous pay and retirement benefits for our public sector workers, bankrupting our cities (Stockton for instance, has declared bankruptcy). And our state is billions of dollars in the red.

The response to this problem from our liberal Democrat Governor?
Of course - RAISE TAXES! When you live with liberals you get to know what they like:

Raising Taxes "dances"
High Taxes "sing alongs"
"Walkathons for Higher Taxes"

etc. ANY pretext, ANY lie, is good, if it helps a liberal to raise your taxes. Because cutting spending is against their religion, and raising taxes is the only way to keep their socialist dreams alive.

Socialism only works until the money runs out, and they run through our money, like it was water. Why? Because the unions pay them back in re-election money. The only loser is - US.

I thought you guys were mostly being stubborn and slanted in your views, but I'm beginning to see that you just don't know what Conservatism is all about, in the economy. How beautiful it is. Maybe you've heard about this or that being conservative, and it was ugly, but that's NOT Conservatism.

I'll start a new thread for that.

I'll try and show you, with the help of some links, just what Conservatism is all about. Not just the insane junk that is called Conservatism, by those who are not.

If I'm a "true believer" in Conservatism, it's only because I've seen true Liberalism, and know that it's a true lie. Indeed, in California, we live the lie of true liberalism, every damn day. After about 60 years, you get to know it rather well, and it can't hide it's ugly warts, any more. The money has run out, even before the current recession began.

Last edited by Adak; 10-24-2012 at 04:50 PM.
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