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Old 10-24-2012, 05:00 PM   #506
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
I've enjoyed this thread, for the most part. It's been interesting hearing some different perspectives on economic stuffs. I just lose patience when people wheel out crap like the 'apology tour' and other creations of right-wing punditry.

Would you like to hear some of Obama's speeches on audio, where he repeatedly points out that America has "made mistakes in the past"?

Maybe a lot of these same countries would have preferred it if the Soviets still controlled their country? Maybe they would have preferred to be slaves to Hitler, Mussolini, or the Japanese?

What would you call it, if not an apology tour? Because that SURE AS HELL is not what we're used to hearing from our President, speaking to other countries!

It's not an "I'm sorry", but it's not facing the reality that ALL countries make mistakes in foreign policy - not just the USA. Truth is, MANY of the nations in the UN, have truly miserable human rights abuses, or dictators/presidents who have seriously abused their power. And the USA has done a LOT to help other nations, all over the world.

But somehow Obama finds it necessary to point out OUR "mistakes", over and over, around the world?
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