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Old 10-24-2012, 05:10 PM   #508
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
liberal and socialist are not interchangeable terms.

And none of what you describe is what i would consider either 'true liberalism' or 'true socialism'. You, as a conservative have every right to define what is or is not true conservatism. You don't get to define the same for the other side.
No, but they can fit into one box - the anti - Conservative box.

I don't live in an apple tree, but I still know what an apple is, thank you. If apples were quite rare, I'd agree with you, but when they're everywhere you look, like liberalism and socialism, you get to know them.

Please, define "True Liberalism" and "True Socialism", but let's do that in a new thread devoted to that topic.

Turkey: That's a good example of what I'm talking about! He's addressing a country that slaughtered the Armenians in the first act of (really major) genocide, in modern times, and refuses to this day to recognize it. And he's talking about the darker period in OUR history??

Wait a second, here!

Saying it once, or saying it in a more private setting, would be OK. Going around the world with basically the same "apology" template in his VERY public speeches, is WAY off the mark.

It may be good for a human (and a country), to acknowledge their shortcomings to themselves, but to proclaim them to the world, all around the world, is unwise, unnecessary, and makes us look like our Commander in Chief is our chief apologist, and ripe for a bit of exploitation.

Last edited by Adak; 10-24-2012 at 05:25 PM.
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