This made me smile. Check it out.
My personal favourites:
1. No-one cares about Ohio
Once every four years, the state finds itself at the centre of the political universe, before dropping off the map. Ohio is often the butt of American jokes - seen as the embodiment of a Midwestern backwater. But as the election draws near, the world's media descends, and commentators talk breathlessly about how "it's all about Ohio". "People enjoy it," says Fred Andrle, a former talk show host in Ohio. Most of the time, "we are considered fly-over people". Ohio law student Andrew Gordon-Seifert, 24, appreciated the attention - not least from the candidates themselves. But he says: "There's a sentiment of cynicism - they realised how important we are to getting elected, but will they be there for us in the future?"
4. All the news is about this cliff thing
Lots of things get put on ice during election season, but this one will have to come out of the freezer soon. The "fiscal cliff" refers to a deadline of 31 December for Congress to agree on spending levels and tax rates. The Fitch ratings agency recently called it the "single biggest near-term threat to a global economic recovery". The word "bipartisanship" is one that has come out of the deep-freeze in the last couple of days. It will be needed.