Thread: My Family
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Old 11-18-2012, 02:36 PM   #114
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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After this we did a trio of water rides.
It was still only about 11.30 I think, and the sun was as high in the sky as it was going to get.

ALL the water rides advise that you are going to get VERY WET. Given that it was a November day, albeit a clement one, Steven thought long and hard about going on them at all. I was all gung ho, but I'm the one with an empty bank account and he has savings - say something?

He agreed! Yay!
We'd been on one of the lesser rides (Samurai - which is like being in a washing machine) and it was right next to the entrance to the Log Flume. Kismet. So Log Flume we did. The plastic log was awash with water, but we'd seen people coming off and at worst they'd caught some spray, so we just hopped right on. I had my phone and camera in a sealable sandwich bag and Ste had his (much superior phone/ Blackberry/ thingy) in the inside pocket of his waterproof jacket.

Self portrait taken leaving the station before I stowed camera safely in said plastic sheath.
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Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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