Thread: My Family
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Old 11-18-2012, 02:57 PM   #116
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
No pics of the next one - Storm Surge.
My brain has erased it from my memory because it was rubbish and caused problems.

High summer, hot day, okay. Although you'd probably waste over 30 mins in the queue.
Novemeber, chilly, walk right on wothough seeing other rides coming down - bad news.
The worst part was that there were inches of water in the bottom of the raft. You can't help but step in it before you realise. Unless you are the last person in (me) and put your feet up on the seat. Poor old Steven soaked his trainers and socks. And then whinged like a girl for the next hour. Oops - where's the code for crossing out?

Bless him - he'd brought his American Theme Park (no idea which park) poncho on my request. We bought a locker for £1 before going on the second two rides and he never asked for a borrow. Then again - he had his waterproof with hood, as opposed to my sweatshirt and scarf.

Here is a video that shows it wasn't worth the wet for those people in March either.

And two photos of me standing in front of Tidal Wave - last to follow.
danm I wish I knew how to post 3 in a row.
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