Thread: My Family
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Old 11-19-2012, 11:28 AM   #118
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
We went on Tidal Wave too (the ride above)
It was the standard kinda water ride you had before flumes were invented.

I'd worked out the photo carefully - where to stand for maximum impact and least chance of getting wet. I did this by moving my bro around (between rides) and watching the splash patterns once he'd moved. A number of really kind chaps asked if we both wanted to be in the photo. "No thanks" I replied, obviously sounding rather cavalier about my supposed partner.

So. Lunchtime.
Can you believe it was warm enough to sit outside in November?
Don't get me wrong, neither of us took any clothes off (one noticeable exception I will mention later) but the sun was warm enough to be able to choose outside dining. The park was also empty enough to pick and choose where we wanted to eat, not to queue for food and not to have to hover for seats (although this is a particular brand of the Dark Arts I am proud to call my own). You can't even get into these places when the park is at capacity - unless you eat at 10.00 or 16.00.

We chose Calypso BBQ.
Don't shoot me, okay - I know from watching Adam Richman that there isn't any BBQ on there. It's theme-park-international.

Note incorrect use of it's? I did.
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