Originally Posted by SamIam
Add that to Lookout's attack on me, and I realize that the Cellar is not a healthy place for me to be spending my time - not right now, anyhow. I'm outta here. 
Really? My attack on you? I don't think I attacked any individual in any way. I called out what I see (and you may disagree) as negative condition in the cellar. I pointed out that all of us as individuals, including me, have behaved like assholes. If you perceive that as a personal attack, I'm sorry for your hurt, but not for what I said. In fact, if you really saw it as an attack I find that symptomatic of a trend in the cellar and in society as a whole.
Everyone is looking for a reason to be a victim. People go out of their way to find a way to be offended. Ibby is the poster child for this, nearly to the level of being a caricature.
Seriously, what the fuck. Merc is a truly intolerant asshat and said a lot of shit that was uncalled for. The fact his politics align more closely with mine than most other dwellars is irrelevant. Things he posted made me cringe and ignore the majority of what he said in the same way I do with TW. They are not dissimilar individuals. Is the cellar better or worse with him gone? I don't know, but he's probably better off being gone because this place didnt' bring out the best in him. I'm certain he would speak the same way to someone he had to look in the eye.
At the same time, we still have Ibram/Ibby, whatever, crying over shit that was written on a computer screen and ranting incoherently about his horrible life as a victim and if we're not with him we're against him. His blatant intolerance is somehow glorious and just because he is on the side of the angels. Fuck that. Ibby is an immature child surrounded by immature PC children afraid to tell him to shut the fuck up. He obviously takes college courses designed to strengthen his status as a victim so he has more soundbyte bullshit to throw at everything and everyone that gets within poo throwing distance.
So one of them is here and one of them is gone, is the cellar better? Nah, not really, imo. I would wager that right now there have been a few vultures circling this thread waiting to be offended so they can jump in with their own explanations of why they are hurt. Fair enough.
If that is how a person wants to spend their life then that's ok by me. The good news is there is always something to hurt your feelings floating around if you look hard enough. I just don't see the value in spending a life searching for righteous indignation in swirling sea of shifting opinions. Instead of being offended look to see if their is anything
ANYTHING of value in a post or a person before grabbing your pitch fork and kindling.
Life can be fun, if you let it.