Yes I get that he is 72 and has health issues and is currently trying to put up a blind in the bathroom.
A blind that fell down yesterday afternoon when I used it - but I swear I used it normally and if it hadn't been me it would have been the next person.
And anyway I offered twice to help because of all of the above.
But he has gone into sulk mode.
And then I had a sneezing fit.
I am still full of cold.
And I get excessive sneezing from his side of the family.
He yells out, "Did you call?"
"No" I shout back, "just sneezing!"
"Wait, wait, I missed that, hang on..... What did you say?"
"I was just sneezing Dad, not calling."
"Try getting yourself a hanky."
WHAT? Miserable old git. Having a hanky (or a tissue) would not stop me sneezing!
And this from a man who also sneezes all day long!
Still. Just told Mum the story and we had a secret little chuckle.
So I guess it's not irritating me any more.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac