Originally Posted by Shawnee123
I like.
Penis size should be a factor. 
Oh, except for you. I wouldn't let you near a goddamn pea shooter. You're nutso. but we love you!
Originally Posted by Clodfobble
Well, the nameless loser who committed the most recent school shooting used his mother's semiautomatic from their mobile home to do it.[/party pooper]
Well if women could use their brains and secure their firearms adequately ... seriously, she was an idiot. She knew her son was mentally ill, but instead of taking him to a counsellor, she took him to a shooting range.
No guns for her.
Originally Posted by sexobon
If they have to earn it, it isn't a right, it's a privilege like a driver's license and can be taken away at will.
Semantics, but if you like. Privilege.
There'll always be some dipshit female in love who'll get weapons for them and she'll probably be a lonely school teacher.
Don't agree, many of the spree shooters are such loners that they don't have
this option, and if they did get a girlfriend, they'd be less likely to go a-shootin'.
This wouldn't provide an ounce of prevention; unless, accompanied by unreasonable search and seizure before incidents can occur.
See, that's where the woman dobs him in when he tries to get her guns.
NOT. One can already hear the domino effect of people's rights falling.
Slippery slope argument. Invalid. Next...
I've heard of better bladder control proposals. But, thanks for tryin'.
Yeah, I'm just pissing in the wind, aren't I?
We could pass a law mandating that all new clothing be made bulletproof. The heavier clothing would also take more physical effort to move around in and help solve the nation's obesity problem ... a twofer.
Brilliant! AND it would stimulate the economy as all those new clothes are made.
Originally Posted by tw
It happens every week. SUVs run over children between 50 and 60 times a week. Killing about 30 kids every week.
Sandy Hook is only news because the deaths all happened in one place. Making the story more emotional. Same emotions that also justify guns whose only purpose is to kill large numbers of people.
Logically shocking and emotionally irrelevant would be to deal with children deaths logically.
Sorry, guys, but TW is
right (although I haven't checked the SUV stats.) Kids get killed all the time, and it was only the concentrated nature of these killings that has broken through the "business as usual" facade and made people react emotionally. If the ongoing death toll does not make you change, neither should the Sandy hook incident.