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Old 01-01-2013, 12:42 PM   #112
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 22
Originally Posted by tw View Post
Capital Hill. Slowly they turned. Step by step. Inch by inch. They smashed them. They hit them. They lied about them in TV ads. Rivers of blood. Pools of blood. The blood!

Its been a long time since they called one another pal.

Meanwhile, who is the victim here. Not all are bald. And yet we all are only Curly.

Fiscal Cliff. Slowly we turned. Accusation by accusation. Job loss after job loss. Until suddenly 89 out of 97 found they really could agree.

Now let's go have an Alice in Wonderland tea party. Good reason why they call that the Lower House.
Smile when you say "tea party," Mister.

Who cares what the Senate does when the House might as well be filled with Cheshire Cats for all the good they NEVER do?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

It's a beautiful day down here at the bottom of the canyon. The Colorado River is sparkling in the winter sun and there's a couple of bighorn sheep grazing near the talus slope across the river from me. There's cliffs everywhere around here. I'm just relaxing and taking in the views. CNN and everyone else should do the same instead of attempting to herd all those cats back in DC.

Sent courtesy of the Colorado Division of Wildlife via the radio collar on a mountain lion who just landed next to me on all 4 feet. Nice kitty...
My expectations coming in were titrated to the community. That's why I've always said that I'm just here for the entertainment. - sexobon

Last edited by asidebet; 01-01-2013 at 12:51 PM.
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