Originally Posted by tw
When they say go jump off a cliff, then you will find how fiscal it can be. The day is not so beautiful when you get to the bottom.
And so the Chesire Cat (Rush Limbaugh) will laugh. He called for America to fail. And gets what he wanted because we listen to his rhetoric - and jumped off that cliff.
Fiscal Falls. Slowly we turned ...
Alice, Curly ... does not matter. We are all victims when some pal (a business school graduate) said he would fix the economy by cutting taxes for the rich. Even went to Pittsburg, Miami, Dallas and New Orleans to promoted it. Economics then took revenge - as even Curly learned.
Clearly we all need even bigger guns to solve this. Do they make depleted uranium bullets? Go nuclear for a sparkling future.
BTW, not all cats like to be petted as you might already know.
Geez, lighten up, tw! This is Sam, the one who started this stupid thread. I've e-mailed my so-called Representatives, written letters to the editor of several newspapers, voted for Obama, canvassed for the Dems prior to the election, etc., etc., etc.
You may think the situation is bad, but I'm out here in the trenches and I KNOW the situation is bad. However, RFN, the House is composed of the same ignorant, far right ideologues who are in it for some devious end of their own and Country be damned. These reptiles lack the ability to act for any reason other than a few neural sparks from their stem brains. That's not going to change today or tomorrow or next week. MAYBE when the new Congress goes into session, the House might agree to something or other.
Meanwhile, I'm just laying back and enjoying the show, because that's the only option any of us regular people in the US now have. I choose my battles and the current DC sideshow ain't one of them.
One of the nice things about being out here in Canyonlands is that the Rush Limbaugh reception is nothing but a bunch of static. Fitting, yes? So, chill out and take a couple of extra days holiday vacation, and I'll show you around. This is a spectacular place and helps put everything in its proper perspective.
PS Thank you for your concern re the mountain lion. Turns out it was just a clever ad for some smart phone outfit and created by a desperate Sri Lankan working in an outsourced anime' factory. Meow?
PSS One of the members of the Sri Lankan camera crew just told me that a Reptilican Represetative went on CNN and accused the Senate of being drunk on New Year's cheer when they passed the 2am measures this morning. The Reptilican went on to complain that Obama wanted to squander billions on stupid stuff like extending unemployment benefits and Hurricane Sandy relief. Yeah! Those stupid people who don't have jobs by now should should just go hang out in the park until a "job creator" comes along and graciously offers them a minimum wage job at Walmart. Plus, I never cared much for the East Coast myself. SCREW New Jersey! SCREW New York! If people are deluded enough to live in those places they deserve MORE hurricanes, not hurricane relief.
sent via meadow lark song