Just an update on Christmas as I wasn't really in the mood to write about it over the festive season. It wasn't bad, I just didn't feel great for most of it, and it was a quiet affair.
Dad bought Mum a present and card, hid them and couldn't remember where.
I think the Gran Marnier turned up before New Year and the card yesterday or the day before. Lots of mentions about it of course. Poor Mum, what with that and me breaking her camera she was feeling a little un-jolly. Still, she is pleased to have her daughter back apparently, so I must be doing something right. Or not doing wrong
My parents and sister bought me clothes two sizes too large. I mean I get that Laura never sees me, but I
live with Mum. She only bought them at the beginning of the month. Still, not to be ungrateful, she took them back and we got ones in the right size. She's been shocked at the baggy falling-apart knickers I've been wearing so it was a kind gesture.
Took the t-shirt from my sister back to Tesco, got a fab pair of wellies decorated in a peacock style. I've written here somewhere that I wanted some flash wellies but couldn't afford them - now I have them all ready for the snow (if I buy them, will it come?)
Photos - me with a Mona Lisa smile. Dad was taking a photo of the laid table but I had a suspicion I would end up in the frame.
Our table card