I feel so priviliged to get a chance to communicate with all of you. You may have never 'met" Claudette, but I believe you saw her true face here. DanaC, thank you for the beautiful poem. Claudette would have loved it. As to your qustions, I don't mind sharing what I know. On March 7, at around 4PM, my parents went to Claudette's house because they had not been able to contact her all day. She had passed away in her bed. The police were called and made a presumptive cause of death as a drug overdose. An autopsy was preformed and the results will take about 6 weeks. Those are the "facts", if you will. As to whether or not it was planned; family members differ in their opinion. Her sons believe it was an accident. Personally, I believe Claudette planned to kill herself. There was no note. In our last phone call, she told me not to feel guilty about bringing Autumn into her life. She said "don't feel guilty about anything". None of you should feel guilty about not stopping her. I am the one who should have been there, but I failed. Yet, I wonder if anyone could have saved her. She never saw how amazing she was; how gifted. My life is now very sad and monochromic. So many things we will never do; never go "across the pond", never go back to Cape Cod, never see another movie. However, going on about it won't change it. I must learn to live without her. Thank you for letting me see some of her old posts and for all your kindness.