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Old 05-02-2013, 01:47 PM   #5175
We have to go back, Kate!
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Originally Posted by Sundae View Post
In this country animal charities get more money than children's charities.
And you're better off being transported if you're an animal than a human, because they have more laws to safeguard you on your journey (inc breaks, water, maximum travelling time and space per animal.)

The again, they're generally off to the slaughterhouse.
Although aren't we all?
Soylent Green was people, people!

Sorry - should I have added a SPOILER tag to that?

Actually, that's a myth about the animal charities. From an article about a survey from last year:

By category, "religious causes" received the largest percentage of donations, being given 17% of all money donated.

Medical research and hospitals received 15% each of all money donated, with children's charities receiving 11% and "overseas" 10%. Animal charities got 5%.

I don't know for sure about the laws regulating transport of animals versus transport of humans, but at a guess I'd say that is also more than likely a myth. A bit like the idea that the manufacturing process of animal food is more tightly regulated than human food. I also suspect that those that do exist are not great, easily bypassed and badly enforced.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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