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Old 05-04-2013, 04:35 AM   #5187
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by Clodfobble View Post
Minifob wants to do Cub Scouts. I am dreading every aspect of this whole experience.
It's not so bad. And great for him. Which I know you know, which is why you're being a good Mama and going along with it.
Originally Posted by Pete Zicato View Post
Tell 'em you're gay.
Tell them you work shifts. If you're going to lie best make it about something everyone understands. Like MONEY. (I did get the humour in Pete's response though.)
Or tell them the truth. You work freelance, have children and stepchildren, a drinking problem that makes you incontinent in liquor stores and therefore can never guarantee your presence. No-one wants to take on someone that unreliable, right? Okay, it's not really the truth, but you gotta make your lies as close to the truth as possible.
Originally Posted by morethanpretty View Post
Kept having nightmares and kept tossing all night. Finally couldn't sleep anymore but I'm bored. My hands are shaky and I'm still coughing. Doc said I have a touch of bronchitis.
Poor baby.
I know what a sledgehammer lack of sleep is. And night terrors.
I used to have "two o' clock in the morning" thoughts when I couldn't sleep and life was wretched. Thanks to addiction, withdrawal, depression - rinse, repeat - they're now "four o'clock in the morning" thoughts.

Life can be sucky when you can't even lose yourself behind your own eyelids.

Chin up, darling. This too shall pass.
I had bronchitis too. And more that just a touch. I was grateful for my diagnosis though, it went on for so long and sounded so bad I feared cancer. I cleared lifts, supermarket queues and public toilets with my fearsome phlegmy cough. And sadly was too ill to even enjoy it properly.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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