So. Dad is in hospital. It was a scheduled visit, although it was arranged very quickly.
They went for an appointment at the John Radcliffe (Oxford) and the Consultant said she wanted Dad in for moitoring "as soon as a bed was ready".
Five days later, one was.
He's supposed to be in for four days, but today is the fourth day and no news of a discharge yet.
We understood that he would be on a steroid drip, and that was why they wanted to observe him. But it seems they are more interested in the electrodes (?) attached to his head rather than the drip, because they are on 24/7 whereas the drip is only intermittent.
Also the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing because he was sent down for some sort of procedure and the Doctor there was appalled that he'd been sent to her; she said she couldn't possibly do anything while he was still hooked up to all the wires. This is all a little vague as poor old Dad is a little vague, and then it's filtered through Mum before it gets to me.
Non-beardy John from the photos above is coming to us today, with Mrs John.
We're giving them lunch, then they're taking Mum to the hospital. Given that they live in Dorset, this is very, very good of them.
Offered without any prompting - Mum regards a round trip from Aylesbury to Oxford as a serious undertaking, let alone adding on the extra miles to and from Dorchester.
I was going to go to see him with her today (on the bus) but I think I'll stay at home again.
I do miss him of course, and would like to see him, but you're only really supposed to have two people visit at once, and although I'm sure they'll wink at three, they probably wouldn't ignore four. Also, it'll be a big treat for him to see John & Linn. If he is in another day (highly likely) it would surely be better for me to go then. Mum is the ice-cream, John will be the whipped cream and Linn the sauce. Just adding a cherry won't make much difference to the sundae today.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac