I had this 'friend' a few years back who dated this guy right after her husband left her. The relationship was rocky from the start, but he had lots of money and a new car. Only thing was the guy spent $100 a weekend on booze. She started drinking to keep up with him 'can't beat 'em join 'em'.
One weekend they had a big fight so he pulls her downstairs by the hair and out the door. He tosses all her possessions out onto the lawn. She calls the cops and he's thrown in jail for a couple of days. When he got out he went around telling all his friends that this girl must really love him to toss his ass in jail, so he asks her to move in with him...and she does! can you believe it
6 months later his old man dies, and he finds out he's getting less than he figured for his inheritance so he breaks up with her, but they still get together once in a while as FF's. Then she's watching his bank accounts because she's got his email password, and saw who he's screwing on Facebook.
When relationships end, do people think they have nothing else to lose by doing crazy shit like this? and why does it allll end up on Facebook