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Old 01-10-2014, 10:47 AM   #5393
To shreds, you say?
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Originally Posted by lumberjim View Post
if the rate is the same or close, take as long as theyll give you for term. you can pay faster. you cant pay slower.
Meaning take a 7 year term?

Part two of the story is I fucked up my credit rating this year by ignoring my student loans during a bad spell of depression and generally feeling overwhelmed by all the other crap ® I had to deal with. I have squared up with sallie mae and am suitably chastened. But my bank does not want to love me long time without my wife co-signing the loan. (There's irony in that, but another day)

So after hemming and hawing she finally agreed. This morning I got an email from her saying she'd gotten cold feet after reading about co-signing.

I reminded her that the mortgage of the house she lives in is in my name and effectively, I am co-signing THAT loan for her.

Bunch of crap. We'll see later today what will happen.
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