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Old 01-12-2014, 03:51 PM   #36
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Darling if there was chocolate fudge, it was gommed down with the rest of the gorgeous sweeties.

I held back because it's not really my bag (except those minty cookies - shockingly good) but when I got to Arran I think the air got to me. It turns out I have two hands for a reason, and you provided enough for more than two hands.

People who enjoyed Aliantha's Christmas box:
Cherry's Mum
Cherry's Dad
Mr Limey

Hearts and minds and stomachs touched, and thankee for it (sai)
In fact it's better you didn't get the PM, as it was only about me & Mum.
Now you know how many people more nommed down on your treats
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