Thread: Who am I??
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Old 01-20-2014, 12:02 AM   #20
I love it when a plan comes together.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 9,793
JBKlyde obviously suffers from multiple personality disorder secondary to schizophrenia in which the first persona is straight and presents itself when he's taking his meds while the second persona is gay manifesting when he's off his meds causing an internal conflict over orientation that results is deep self hatred which he projects onto others aligned with his second persona as intolerance via hate messages which he then blames on an evil biblical entity; then, invokes a good biblical entity to delude himself and others into believing he's making progress in reconciling his disorders when he is actually falling further into incongruity and grasping for alliances by playing the pity card because he can't take what he dishes out going so far as to lie about even the simplest of facts such as who was where first and not really caring about the outcome one way or another since he'll rationalize it to himself either way; indeed, rationalize anything he wants as divine ordination to deprive others of their inalienable rights while saying that he's involved with people and organizations that in reality only exist in media venues for him and his perceived need to be more that he can ever realistically accomplish.

The poor bastard.
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