Tulip, yes! Sorry, I did know it was a Vietnamese dish and just forgot to mention it.
In fact there are three dishes available in the range and I deliberately chose that one because of you. Honestly - we have no access to Vietnamese food or culture in my little town, so I gobble up what I can when I can.
Monster, maybe...
I'm not hurt or offended by their reaction. It's just that quite often I cook and think "Meh" or am actually disappointed with the outcome and they have absolutely loved it.
So it's a bit ironical [sic] that I absolutely loved this and they simply appreciated sitting down to a dinner that they didn't cook themselves.
Oh, btw, I included the peanuts that came with it, because I figured I may as well make it the way the recipe was supposed to be made. And I still loved it! Don't expect me to convert to peanut butter any time soon though, there is such a thing as taking it too far.
Unfortunately your helpful handy size indicator doesn't help me, but the fork does.
Unless its a dolls house fork and plate, that looks enormous. And bloody gorgeous.
AND chilli as well?
My weight is always in a state of flux, but is reasonably under control at present. But I know if I lived in America I'd be the size of a MacMansion. I'd eat all that until it was gone and go back for more.