I'm not irritated with the healthcare act. I'm irritated with the company I chose for coverage. I go to pay, and put in my bank account numbers. They kept giving me an error message saying my routing number was wrong. Um, no it's not. I know my routing number. I checked and checked and checked again. I tried adding extraneous zeros. There's plenty of money in my account, and I've had that account about 10 years.
healthcare.gov worked just fine for me. The problem is that the insurance company won't let me PAY.
Now when I log in it says NOTHING except 'payment is in progress.' One page, with those words. That's it. No notices to my email. So, did it work or not? Did I miss the deadline because CareSource is stoopid? I have no idea. The HELP section is, as is typical, no help at all. "Here's a picture of a check. Here's where your routing number is." No shinola, Sherlock.
Yeah, I guess I need to call but I hate, I mean I HATE, the phone, and I hate talking to customer servicers or tech supporters on the phone.
Pretty mean trick to play on someone with anxiety disorder. Oh, the irony! I had to keep stepping away from the computer because it was really pissing me off. Throwing the computer through the window is no solution. Or is it?