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Old 04-22-2014, 07:38 AM   #5465
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Originally Posted by BardoXV View Post
It's the mating season for Robins, and there is a stupid male Robin fighting with his reflection in one of my windows. He keeps flying up and pecking at it. First I taped pictured of hawks to the inside of the window, then on the recommendation of someone from the Pa. game commission I ran a cord with some strings hanging from it, that slowed him down a little. Finally put the screens over the windows, and now he has moved to the next window over. Any ideas, other than shooting him, Robins are a protected species, I think, and there is probably a fine.
No jury of cats would convict you.

I had a similar problem with some type of bird that didn't like his reflection, he would fly at the window and shit at it and or spit mud at it. After a while, he must have obliterated his reflection because he stopped. Or one of the cats got him.
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