Originally Posted by Sundae
The person looking after Diz has suffered a series or not impossible but slightly peculiar calamaties.
First she dropped her phone so it stopped working and she lost my number.
Odd, it was working when I sent her a text at 19.30.
Also I she had my landline number, and has a paper copy of my address; I'm available via Directory Enquiries.
Then her radiator blew.
Gosh, and she runs a charity called Animal Taxi. Gosh, hope there's no emergencies today or tomorrow. Because the earliest she can get Diz back to me is Monday.
Funny, because that is the same day the hospital social worker is back.
I have a suspicion she may suggest I am in incapable of looking after an animal in my current condition.
I swear if I had a car I'll go knocking on her door and demand the porky, furry little monster,
Confused and miserable.
I understand that you are miserable and wanting the company of your beloved furry, but it's the weekend and I'm guessing she's an unpaid volunteer and maybe doesn't have the funds to pay for weekend mechanic rates? And she probably feels crap about not being able to provide the taxi service if there was an emergency before Monday. And about not being able to get Diz back to you.
the dropping the phone is a little lame-sounding, but how did you find out that happened? Seems like there has been some contact -could you use that route again to express your willingness to -say- get a human taxi and collect him? At least you would be able to set your mind at rest or validate your suspicions...
But really, I think the only co-incidence in the both-coming-on-Monday thing is that it's the next 'working day" As Dana says there is no evidence of abuse. they can't take your animal on the grounds of suspected future neglect. And the social worker is not interested in your animal.
It will all be fine