Thread: I just...
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Old 10-23-2014, 05:29 PM   #139
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
Posts: 39,517
Remember mah pokah scootah?

I just...bought a non-runner for parts. They're practically identical. Believe it, or not, $20. And no actual cash out of hand.

We worked out a trade.

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I'd been having trouble cranking the original scooter, Scootio (thanx to some Dwellar for that!), and it didn't want to run right much past 25mph. Finally got to where it just wouldn't crank w/out starting fluid, and then just plain wouldn't crank at all. A new spark plug didn't change things. Then, after I'd tried once again to crank it, Popdigr up and swapped in the ignition coil from the junker. It now starts so quickly you hardly have time to get your finger off the starter button. I still think there's more power to be had on the top end, but after just a short run on flat ground she'll hit about 50+ mph now.


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