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Old 12-05-2014, 09:24 PM   #14
Knight of the Oval-Shaped Conference Table
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Vernon, BC, Canada
Posts: 378
When Freya passed on 2 and a bit years ago- She got ill fast, and we had called the vet to come here for Monday afternoon. Sunday morning, she told me it was time. We took her to the emergency vet clinic and paid to have it done.. she [passed on before the injection (after the sedative) It cost us over $350 for vet visit on a Sunday- full euthanasia- even when they did not use it, and communal cremation. In our case we believe she is not in her body once she passes, so having her body or ashes back was not important. In hindsight I would have gotten her paw print though. Daddy was with her, and I was supposed to be once I had paid and come back into the room with the vet... Freya decided I should not be there, and left before I got back in the room.

Animals can tell you- if you can listen to the signs. Your baby hopefully will be able to tell you when it is time. My advice though- is to really go through your options- if you choose not to get her ashes, for example.. will it haunt you later? Are you keeping her here because you hurt to see her go, or are you sure she is not quite ready? **** that one is the hardest one EVER!!!! When it is time, remember her, honour her, and hopefully when and if your heart is ready get another to love as much ( but differently). My heart goes out to you and your family- it is very very hard to lose a fur baby. You are a wise and caring person- you will do what is best for your baby
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