Thread: West Yorkshire
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Old 04-02-2015, 05:22 PM   #407
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
First photo
I couldn't see anything I could afford in this shop (unless I wanted buttons) But it was pleasing to the eye.
It was on a street of similar establishments, although many of them sold food on the hoof. I can only assume that the people who actually live and work in Saltaire - because it is still a real place to live, not a museum - do so in the vicinity of Victoria Street.

Second photo
Not believing that sick workers were malingerers fit only for the poorhouse, Titus actually had a hospital for those who had work related injuries. Like pregnancy and stuff.
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Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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