Thread: West Yorkshire
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Old 04-03-2015, 01:39 AM   #413
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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A boat trip?
Okay, it's pricey. I could have bought a bottle of wine for that. You know what? I'll go on the boat trip.

The slightly amusing part was that the boat has such a small open air section, which everyone wanted to sit in yesterday because the sun was shining. I'll bet most of the time people sit inside!

It was just a lovely pootle up to the closest lock, then the boat equivalent of a three point turn, and back again. But the ducks knew the boat meant food and came out to greet us, and the view of the banks was suitably bucolic, and the ripple and reflections of the water suitably hypnotic.
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