I said that isn't an image that comes to mind when I hear the word vulture.
I use to do a lot of freshwater fishing in southern Delaware where there are tons of chicken farms. The only things I saw every damn time was vultures and Frank Purdue's trucks. Soaring they looked birdy, but on the ground they look ominous.
If you make them move when they are fine dining on roadkill, they don't fly away, they waddle to the edge pavement, not even onto the shoulder, then turn around and glare at you. Since their head is about window high to a car they look you in the eye and you can almost hear the curses.
Or when there's no roadkill... yet, they'll perch on something by the road and licking their beaks, watch you like a Warner Brothers cartoon.
Did I mention on hot sunny days they shit on their own legs and feet for the cooling effect?

They're the swamp buggy of birds, all about function, no frills.