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Old 01-24-2002, 04:28 AM   #9
Writer of Writings
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 14
Originally posted by jeni

even if the dogs don't kill one another, it's still, in my opinion, not right to train them to fight like that just so the public can watch.
Hope you're a vegetarian... and now let me explain that statement:

As I see it, raising cattle to be slaughtered for human consumption is no different than raising and training dogs to fight, even to the death.

The slaughter of animals is no less brutal than a dog fight. Generally, they are cut while alive so that they will bleed as much as possible - helps the quality of the meat. If they're lucky, they get a bonk on the noggin' first, to daze them.

The consumption of animals is no more necessary than a dog fight. Both are sheerly for human pleasure. Meat is a luxury. Assuming we were never lost in the wilderness in the winter, every single one of us could survive our entire natural lives without ever consuming meat.

Am I a vegetarian? No. But I won't say that the dog fights are wrong, even though I find them distasteful.

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