dhamsaic -
Thanks for tearing apart that post. It was ridiculous. A couple of quick points:
- We don't put cows in cages that are slightly larger that them and poke them with sticks to make them vicious. Instead we put cows in cages that are slightly smaller than they are, let their hind hooves hang out into the shitstream that runs down the center of the barn so that their hooves get infected. Then we hook them up to milking machines that place a strain on their teats and their teats which get irritated and possibly infected. Finally, if their cages aren't cleaned often enough (which is common), they have to lay in their own shit and their udders get infected.
- Animals that are slaughtered aren't necessarily slaughtered that quickly. Cows, for instance, are hit in the heat with a pistol-bolt gun to stun them, then have their throats cut. If something goes wrong with the gun (or it is mis-aimed), they aren't unconscious when their throats are cut and it can take several minutes for brain function to cease. You can decide whether this is brutal or not; some say yes, some say no.
- If you are lost in the wilderness in the winter, your first priority will NOT be whether or not you can eat meat. You can survive without food for three weeks. You can survive without water for three days. In the wilderness in the winter, good luck surviving overnight if you can't build yourself a decent shelter. But if you insist on being well fed, what makes you think that vegetarian food will be harder to find than meat?
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
-- Jefferson