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Old 06-11-2007, 04:20 PM   #1
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treehouse club

Sundae Girl asked me to make a nice shiny new thread cuz it didnt fit in the human body explotation thread so here it is

i dont understand. i read a great article cloud posted somewhurr buried in cellar meta. it was about groups. read it, i couldnt find it in search. cloud's posts too in that particularl thread were brilliant too. she is new. i am new. we both see the same shit u guys are doin.

i dont understand why if lumperjim says somethin offensive or demeaning toward soemone all u other 3 4 5 year old dwellars choose to turn the other cheek and disregard it. this guy is an asshole. actually the things he posts borders on bullying but nooo since he is in the popular group its all good, right? but all i had to do was comment about him not being the shit as he so thinks he is then he goes after me. that in turn leads to the group effect, while errbody else is like "oh its ok to degrade the shit out of him cause one of our members does it". sundae girl got on me, now zippyt called me an asshead, fuckhead. i dont doubt others will follow in line

you people are 40, 50 years old. and y'all gonna resort to throwin rocks at someone who is new? din't u guys graduate high school decades ago? how can u guys not condemn when people like lumperjim personally attack a NUMBER of people on this board, but errbody else goes with the flow. he is ALWAYS bitchin about "i wish teh cellar was back to where it used to be, the newbies are ruining it, they too sensive, bitch bitch bitch put down put down put down"

anything that motherfucker says is golden and cant be touched, analyzed or critiqued?

im positive its like this for anybody in the treehouse club who flames an unsuspecting cellar user. lumperjim is just an prime example. i havent had experience with many other bullys on this site (brianna is showing her case) but it seems all the same. i bet u all feel cool collaborating and makin people leave the cellar cause their opinion and experiences are differnt from yers and so u let them know they are different and overall, not fittin to be here. if this shit keeps up then im out - im not into high school drama again. i can go back to watchin or worse for undertoad, not viewin this site again.

complainin about the cellar and its current state pssssh, why dont u all, in the popular group get it together so us "newbies" will like you and like to BE here, because a lot of us don't appreciate the "welcome" we've received.
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
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Old 06-11-2007, 04:21 PM   #2
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arrrgh i cant read tht
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Old 06-11-2007, 04:25 PM   #3
Makes some feel uncomfortable
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The name for it is "clique". Either you're in it, and free to do certain things without recrimination, or you're not in it, and get beat up for doing those same things. It's a double standard.
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Old 06-11-2007, 04:34 PM   #4
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i didn't expect this. i see many of you have read this. but you are all speechless.

jeboduuza - 1
cellar - 0
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
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Old 06-11-2007, 04:43 PM   #5
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I feel your pain, Jeb. Just--if you are trying to make friends, counting coup probably won't help.
"Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards!"
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Old 06-11-2007, 04:47 PM   #6
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by Jeboduuza View Post
Sundae Girl asked me to make a nice shiny new thread cuz it didnt fit in the human body explotation thread so here it is
Thanks for this - the fact you've shown the respect to do this raises my opinion of you (not sarcasm). Human Body Exploitation Thread... An interesting way of putting it - I guess you're not going to be posting there soon, but hey that's your call.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
i dont understand. i read a great article cloud posted somewhurr buried in cellar meta. it was about groups. read it, i couldnt find it in search. cloud's posts too in that particularl thread were brilliant too. she is new. i am new. we both see the same shit u guys are doin.
I wouldn't call it shit, personally. Cloud and I had this out (after she asked for opinion on her threads) - I was defending a place I love and didn't want changing. I certainly read Cloud's link, and I'm sure many other posters did. This isn't the sort of place where people post anything that drifts into their heads (usually) so you wouldn't have seen 5, 10, 15, 20 posts saying, "Ooh I read that!" or "Interesting!" Reaction posts without a valid reason do not an interesting forum make. Unless it's a personal issue, in which case people will post sympathy or healing comments. I've posted them and I've received them - this is a community.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
i dont understand why if lumperjim says somethin offensive or demeaning toward soemone all u other 3 4 5 year old dwellars choose to turn the other cheek and disregard it.
This is partly because when you've known someone 3, 4, 5 years you can tell when they're joking. And when they're sending a shot across the bows because the way you are behaving doesn't fit the general behaviour around here.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
this guy is an asshole. actually the things he posts borders on bullying but nooo since he is in the popular group its all good, right? but all i had to do was comment about him not being the shit as he so thinks he is then he goes after me.
I don't think he's an arsehole. I'm not a follower, I base this entirely on my interaction with LJ and the interaction between LJ and other people I have come to respect on here. Like it or not, if you weigh into a respected poster here, they will fight back. There has been a rash of new posters here judging LJ on the opinion of other new posters. I don't think that's fair. There are some long term posters who don't get on with LJ - I respectfully disagree with them, but at least they have formed their opinion over time, not the first few posts. He's a funny guy. He doesn't give a shit. Grow a tougher skin re humour.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
that in turn leads to the group effect, while errbody else is like "oh its ok to degrade the shit out of him cause one of our members does it". sundae girl got on me, now zippyt called me an asshead, fuckhead. i dont doubt others will follow in line
I got on you because you were cluttering up a thread meant for something else. I am very easy-going in general, but what I can't be doing with is people coming in and thinking they are owed something. It's like coming into my local and dancing on the pool table where people are trying to play. We're not saying "don't dance" for chrissake - just do it in the appropriate place, and don't act hurt when someone tries to move you on.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
you people are 40, 50 years old. and y'all gonna resort to throwin rocks at someone who is new? din't u guys graduate high school decades ago?
Again, this is where you benefit from reading and enjoying rather than posting willy nilly. We're not all 40, 50, 60. There's a Dwellar Age Thread somewhere - I'm not going to link to it - it would do you good to look for it.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
how can u guys not condemn when people like lumperjim personally attack a NUMBER of people on this board, but errbody else goes with the flow. he is ALWAYS bitchin about "i wish teh cellar was back to where it used to be, the newbies are ruining it, they too sensive, bitch bitch bitch put down put down put down"
You know all this about the Cellar but you don't know not to mess with the nekkid people thread? You know all this about the Cellar and you don't know we hate txtspk and bad spelling (Zippy excepted) and unnecessary abbreviations?
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
anything that motherfucker says is golden and cant be touched, analyzed or critiqued?
Sigh. Search posts by Aliantha. At the very least.
Originally Posted by Jeboduuza
im positive its like this for anybody in the treehouse club who flames an unsuspecting cellar user. lumperjim is just an prime example. i havent had experience with many other bullys on this site (brianna is showing her case) but it seems all the same. i bet u all feel cool collaborating and makin people leave the cellar cause their opinion and experiences are differnt from yers and so u let them know they are different and overall, not fittin to be here. if this shit keeps up then im out - im not into high school drama again. i can go back to watchin or worse for undertoad, not viewin this site again.

complainin about the cellar and its current state pssssh, why dont u all, in the popular group get it together so us "newbies" will like you and like to BE here, because a lot of us don't appreciate the "welcome" we've received.
If you really feel like this, I do have to ask why you are here?
This isn't an exclusive clique and plenty of people have been welcomed in.
But membership brings no privileges.

If this place doesn't suit you, there is nothing keeping you here. And I don't mean that as a polite way of saying fuck off - I mean genuinely, think why you would want to be in a place that you perceive as hostile.

This is probably out of date now - it's taken a while to type, but I wanted to address all your points as there's nothing more annoying than penning a crie de couer and having people address one line of it.

All the above is my personal opinion and does not reflect the view of the Cellar, which is a diverse collection of people whether you have encountered that or not.
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Last edited by Sundae; 06-11-2007 at 04:57 PM.
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Old 06-11-2007, 04:53 PM   #7
twatfaced two legged bumhole
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If you want to be treated like an equal, at least post so that we can understand you please.

We aren't speechless, but all that crazy talk has our Transitions bifocals all fogged up.
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:00 PM   #8
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:05 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by lumberjim View Post
you're proving Jebo's point
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:09 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
you're proving Jebo's point
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:24 PM   #11
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Jeboduuza -- I'm relatively new here myself, but here is one thing that I noticed very quickly: the most active posters (except for one or two) on this site generally have good spelling, proper grammar (including capitalization), and are good at expressing themselves. Using poor spelling or grammar in the Cellar is like moving to Sandford and painting graffiti on the church wall.

All the people that I've encountered here are respectful, but you have to earn it.

Edit: I just noticed that I said "All the people..." That might be a little optimistic.
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Last edited by HungLikeJesus; 06-11-2007 at 05:29 PM.
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:12 PM   #12
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
you're proving Jebo's point
What point exactly?

I responded reasonably and with respect. Does LJ only agree because we are part of the Get Along Gang?

If so, I'd really appreciate you taking the time to refute my points as I did for Jebo.
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Sundae Girl View Post
What point exactly?

I responded reasonably and with respect. Does LJ only agree because we are part of the Get Along Gang?

If so, I'd really appreciate you taking the time to refute my points as I did for Jebo.
I guess, the point that the "clique" supports and sticks together, whether or not it is legit or not. Not saying you're refute wasn't legit, but you know. LJ said "YOU KICK ASS SUNDAE GIRL" but rearranged wording I believe.

P.S. I don't want to refute your points. I'm not good at drawing conclusive evidence, remembering my "show" with ducky? It got so that reason < emotion, which is why LJ can make me look like an ass.

Last edited by freshnesschronic; 06-11-2007 at 05:26 PM. Reason: P.S. addition
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:32 PM   #14
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by freshnesschronic View Post
I guess, the point that the "clique" supports and sticks together, whether or not it is legit or not. Not saying you're refute wasn't legit, but you know. LJ said "YOU KICK ASS SUNDAE GIRL" but rearranged wording I believe.
Have you considered

LJ is deliberately overstating to stir things up

I was a newbie once myself. The fact I get on with LJ despite joining well after him shows it's not an Old Dwellars Club.

You might have had people disagree with you, but you have posted intelligently, you have started your own threads instead of trashing established ones, you write proper English - can't you see that the issues I (and perhaps other people have) with J are not the same as people may have with you?

I respect you as a poster. I have issue with what you post on a regular basis - but then I had an issue with 9thEngineer's views - he's mostly absent now and I miss him. If I wanted to hear from people with the same background/ education/ political views as me I'd post on a British board based in my home town. But guess what, half the posts would be "Hey hav u sin X he is so dam fitt OMG u goin up Weavers this Sat?"

I'm here for intelligence, humour and above all a sense of community. If that means sometimes people get told, "We don't do it like that here" or "Post intelligently or fuck off" then I can live with that. It doesn't make this place a WASP Country Club.

You're an intelligent man. You're part of the community. I don't understand why you think this is a vendetta and not a community showing people the ropes.

Cloud I include you in that too (apart from the man comment)
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Old 06-11-2007, 05:03 PM   #15
Radical Centrist
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There's a way to get instant respect here, and literally hundreds of users, of all ages, have done it.

Of course, it's the first entry in the FAQ.

The Cellar is like an electronic tavern. Behave as you might at a real-life tavern. Don't barge in and interrupt every table in the place. Walk in and sit down, wait for something you know about and politely put in your two cents.

Whether you care to stick around will probably depend on whether you're taken seriously. Your reputation here is not made by whether you're "in the clique" or how cool you are or etc. It's only based on how you behave and what you contribute. Be a thoughtful version of yourself. Make an effort to leave it a better place than when you arrived and we all win.
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