Originally Posted by Undertoad
He was just filming them. It's not okay.
Sigh... Here is other footage from Andy Ngo himself, from before the fight started. In the first clip, starting around 2:24, the right wing folks he's hanging out with say they're trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing so that they don't accidentally pepper spray themselves. "Ha ha, that would suck," says Ngo. "I think... it's blowing that way."
In the second clip, starting at 3:41, he asks his compatriots, "And how long until Gibson gets here, and we have, like, some more numbers?" There's some crosstalk, and then another guy says, "Who's the guy with the weapon here? Me!" "That is some rad shit!," replies Ngo.
Fighting is bad. Injuries are bad. Weapons are bad. But Andy Ngo does not believe these things, and he is not on "your" side when it comes to nonviolence.
Originally Posted by Undertoad
None of the propagators of this violence have been charged or ever arrested.
Yes, they have. Three antifa folks were arrested in the Portland clash; Gage Halupowski plead guilty and was sentenced to six years in prison, James Stocks plead guilty and was sentenced to a year probation, and Maria DeHart plead not guilty and her trial is pending.
Originally Posted by Undertoad
If you want violent revolution, seriously, GFYS.
I totally agree.