In cleaning out our basement, Mrs. Dallas located a copy of Department of the Army Technical Manual TM 9-2700,
Principles of Automotive Vehicles from 1947. (How this came to be in our possession I can't imagine--I can only assume it's something my father-in-law had, but even so I don't see why Mrs. Dallas would have bothered to take it.)
Anyway, does anybody have suggestions for where we might offer this for sale and get a decent price for it? I'm under no illusion that this will fund my retirement, or even my next phone bill
but a few copies have sold for $3 to $5 on Fleabay, and I suspect it might be worth slightly more than that to a collector of military or antique car memorabilia. A Google search reveals folks offering it for sale for $40-$60, but it's not clear they're actually selling it at that price!