Tonight, preparing for tomorrow. Tomorrow, my eldest is getting married, a small family-only ceremony. My responsibilities include playing music (my harpist partner Lane and myself), picking up the cake, making punch, providing the video recording arrangements, picking up Stephen's suit from the dry cleaners, making sure the photographer can find the place, providing the film for the photog (a family friend), and listening to Selene freak out about how she has to marry them and they haven't even looked at the ceremony yet. Oh, and trying to resist the urge to gouge my ex's eyes out when she inevitably stands around and rolls them all afternoon. She's not keen on anything about this little joyous event.
Sunday, the annual Heartland Pagan Festival "OH, SHIT!" meeting (13 days until Festival), give Selene a card and gift card for Mother's Day, then right into coven.
Busy weekend.
"To those of you who are wearing ties, I think my dad would appreciate it if you took them off." - Robert Moog