A Modest Proposal
Hello! I have a proposal to make to the bored.
I've recently joined up with web board over at principiadiscordia.com. Now even though I've never posted here before (wink wink, nudge nudge), there seems to be some accident of circumstance that has led at least two of the members of said board to conclude that I am the vanguard of an invasion force from -- you guessed it -- The Cellar!
Not being one to disappoint, I thought it might be entertaining if you and I manufactured such an invasion. After all, what could be better than creating a conspiracy for the "benefit" of the Discordian?
I'm not looking to encourage anyone to troll their board, per se. Just, you know, create an account (or reactivate an old one), make a couple posts, leave when you're bored of it. I post under the same name there as here, so if you'd like to elaborate on the conspiracy elements, feel free to make cryptic comments to any of my posts and I'll play along. Or don't, it's up to you.
This can all be in good fun. See you when I see you! (I'll check replies to this post, but I'm primarily following the PD boards.)