Originally Posted by Aliantha
You were spewing your shit all over this place for days and days before I even had any interaction with you, and even then it was because of a smart arse comment you made in response to a post I made and I didn't even respond to you then.
Rubbish. I was restricting my crap to the political board, and apparently my "spewing shit" was "disagreeing with the right wing nutjobs".
Originally Posted by Aliantha
I've said it before and I've said it again. I have no interest in visiting your forum, particularly if I'm just going to get the same shit from you there as I do here. Why bother?
Do or don't. I was just pointing out to Dana that you are more than welcome to do so.
Originally Posted by Aliantha
I don't know about the rest of your mates there, but you are a troublemaker, and obviously proud of it.
Bosh. In some societies, I am revered as a figure of calm and serenity. Sort of like the Buddha, but you aren't required to rub my disgustingly hirsute belly. In fact, I discourage it, as I am tired of the lawsuits brought by the unfortunates who insist on doing so and then act all surprised when they get syphilis spirochetes the size of those worm thingies in
Originally Posted by Aliantha
And you're trolling again.
Am not. I am a simple man of the cloth, spreading a message of peace and love on the internets.