I worked one 8-hour day at a tire recycling plant. We went around in a big panel truck picking up old tires piled behind garages, etc. Found some of the nastiest crap inside those tires.. ugh. All sloshing around as I swung each tire up and into the back of the truck.. I threw away the clothes I wore that day they stunk so bad from all that putrid water.
When we got back to the plant we off-loaded all the tires by hand, then fed them into the machine that pulled out the belts and chopped the tires up into pieces ranging in size from M&M's to golf balls. Then we had to sort through the chopped up pieces by hand to pull out any stray wires, which resulted in many sharp wire shards going straight through our gloves.
Kiss my white Irish ass.
Last edited by Bullitt; 01-29-2010 at 10:59 PM.