The way facebook works, you don't see pictures of strangers with the same name as you. Maybe if you do a search for those people and then snoop through their pictures, you might see them, but Facebook isn't going to put them in your "News Feed."
You are seeing that risque picture because someone tagged your son in it. Even if he's not in it. It's actually him that's being tagged. Facebook won't let you tag somone in a picture if you aren't friends with them. You can get it so their name appears on the picture, but it won't link to their account, and their friends won't be notified.
One of two things happened. 1. The person who posted the picture and who is a facebook friend of your son, tagged your son in it. Or, 2. someone who is facebook friends with your son tagged him in that picture, and the person who posted the picture approved that tag by another person.
You are only seeing it because you are friends with your son. The only other people who are seeing it in their "news feed" are friends of your son, or friends of other people tagged in it, or friends of the poster. Nobody else is getting it in their "news feed."
If your son's wife is also on facebook, and is his friend, and has visited facebook since it was posted, she has already seen it.