Hi Lamplighter
There were a few factors that influenced my decisions as you've seen here. A tear off is a BIG DEAL. It's a lot more work. It's a LOT more trash. I learned that a roof can be re-roofed up to twice, for a total of three layers/roofs. I'm at 3 1/2 roofs. In my case, a tear off would have taken longer and cost more and been much more difficult and much more work. Bleurgh.
But the killer was the fact that my original shake shingle roof was applied onto
skip sheathing. Do you know what this is? With the roofing material off, the top of my house would look like it was covered with latticework. If I took it down that far, I would have had to put plywood decking onto the roof if I wanted to use roll roofing or even three tab shingles, since that stuff won't work over the skip sheathing. That was just TOO MUCH to contemplate. I rely on the old roofs to be my "decking". The major downside to this strategy is that it is heavy. Cedar and two old three tab rooves under the roll roofing is heavy. I am hoping it's not too heavy. We get about the same amount of snow load as you do, so I think/hope I'll be ok.
A tear off is a good, complete way to do things. But I wasn't prepared for job that big.