The day started with my boss dropping off his laptop. "It's really slow, especially trying to open my email."
After poking at it for a while, I went to meet with someone to figure out some database stuff. ~2 hours.
Meanwhile the fiber link to one of our buildings was down. We almost couldn't get it back up because we didn't have a fiber to ethernet transceiver. I put together an ungodly hack involving swapping spare parts on some old equipment we should have gotten rid of. We could have finished a half hour sooner if my brain had been functioning, or I could have put my hands on a null modem serial cable--preferably both. Oh yeah, the boss had the Bagle virus, and 24.000+ emails in his Thunderbird inbox didn't help either.
I was about 45 minutes later leaving work than I had planned. This made me 5 minutes late to orchestra rehearsal, even though I rushed the whole way and gulped my dinner.
The piece we're doing is one I really hate. It's also a very complicated one, and we had a stand-in conductor who didn't know it very well. (Hard to blame him--he only had one week's notice--but it still was brutal.)