Dec 1, 2008: Tiger Dentistry
I can remember some dentists I'd like to throw to a tiger, but this is a tiger that was thrown to a dentist... a Russian dentist.
The head of the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center, Eduard Kruglov, reveals: “The tiger used to stay always in good mood, it looked healthy and strong. But then it lost its front fake fang on the right side of the jaw. The predator started to groan, stopped eating and lost a great amount of weight”.
They didn't explain the "fake fang" bit.
It was decided to invite the best dentists from Khabarovsk. With the help of a special gun the animal got narcosis done. Later a 500-pound predator was bounded to the operating table. For 4 hours doctors have been curing caries. They also restored the injured tooth and replaced the broken fang with 10-inch prosthesis.
Aleksander Abramovich, the head of the dentist clinic says: “Our doctors have been constantly measuring pulse, checking pupils, because each second the predator could wake up and go mad”.
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. He might be a mite antisocial if he woke up with someone in his mouth.
Two days after the surgery the animal felt alright. During the first day only a hungry “Anima King” swallowed 40 pounds of meat.
That could have been 40 pounds of dentist.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.