One of those time waisters again
- Briefly describe living room decor. ( minimal, woods and neutrals)
- Your favorite tuna. ( yellow fin)
- Store you haven't been to yet but want to. ( Bed Bath and Beyond )
- What do you watch on the TV most often. ( HGTV)
- Are you at the age where processed sugars and sodium bother you. ( yes)
- AARP considers the age of 55 to be senior. Do you? ( no)
- Seniors can get a free coffee at Burger King at the age of 55. Will you?
( hell no)
- What is your past-time lately?( Reading )
- How long have you been a member of the cellar? ( I actually don't know.)
- Do you believe in love at first sight? ( no)
- Are you a morning or night person? ( Morning )
- Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? ( A million dollars because it's too late for love)
- If you could go visit anywhere in the world where would you go? ( Italy) first choice.
- Do you own a musical instrument? ( piano)
- Do you drink tap water or bottled water? ( bottled)
[edit]If you don't like this one, someone else can make one up. They are not as easy as it seems they should be.
Last edited by skysidhe; 11-23-2010 at 05:37 PM.