Originally Posted by Aliantha
We still have plenty of pay phones here. Probably not as many as there used to be, but still plenty about.
Ditto the UK - I can see the one we used to use before we had a telephone from this very room.
Archaic are cars without power steering over here. The only one I know of that's still registered for the road is my fathers '76 land cruiser.
I have never owned a car with power steering yet. Then again I sold my last car a good five years ago.
Originally Posted by monster
Do kids still plaster their walls with posters of their idols? Mine don't... but they could just be weird.
Yup. Just on Friday one of the boys was telling me about his new Ben 10 poster. We weren't allowed to put anything on the walls, but Dads made us two huge corkboards from leftover tiles. My sister's mostly had official posters of men she fancied, mine had poems, things I'd traced from '20s and '30s fashion magazines and pictures of models from Just Seventeen. And cats. In a film or a novel I would have become a stylist. Or a lesbian.