Originally Posted by morethanpretty
So Jill doesn't have the right to voice her opinions because she isn't a regular? So you call her inane, childish and hateful names instead of trying to have a reasonable conversation? Yeah, you completely believe in this country's ideals....free speech and all that. Jill, keep doing what you're doing hon.
Originally Posted by Pico and ME
Jill, when he starts with the name calling and cussing its because he's cornered and knows it. His game is weak and always has been. Like mtp says, just keep doing what you're doing.
Originally Posted by infinite monkey
jill is DA MAN. Well, da woman.
Originally Posted by glatt
Giving Merc just enough rope to hang himself with. Jill can hold her own.
It's unfortunate, though, that the Cellar seems unable to hold an intelligent discussion in politics.
Originally Posted by DanaC
I agree with this. This is not a 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' argument. Both parties were not equally flinging shit at the other. One was attempting to have a political discussion the other was being an utter cock for no apparent reason and after little if any genuine provocation. Neither were bickering. One was arguing the other was having a public meltdown.
Originally Posted by Stormieweather
I taught my children that the participant in an argument who resorts to name-calling, personal attacks, and ad hominem arguments (and/or a raised voice) is the person arguing the weakest point. With solid, unimpeachable data to back a position up, there is no need to sink to mud-slinging to (try to) win an argument.
Shutting down/silencing the opposition, or attempting to, does not eliminate their standpoint or any validity of same.
Thank you all very much for these kind words. I sincerely appreciate the support.
I sure didn't mean for such a shitstorm to be kicked up around here. I certainly could have ignored him and not allowed the insanity to go on so long. But truth be told, one of the reasons I came looking for you guys again is because the other forum I've been on doesn't allow you to defend against personal attacks or tell a person what you really think of their stupidity. All you can do is report an "offending" post to a moderator and hope they agree with you that it's an attack and delete it. If you engage at all, you get an "infraction" and I've reached my breaking point of having to sit back and let all the stupidity go unchallenged.
At least here I can tell an idiot they're an idiot without fear of getting "spanked" by a moderator. So for that, this forum is a bit of a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately my new-found freedom tasted a little too good to me, and by not letting it go, it slid from fresh into putrid yesterday.
I could have put a stop to it instead of feeding it, so for my part in allowing it to get out of hand, I understand those who were trying to be neutral and just suggest that the "bickering" stop. And after all, they know one of the parties better and would rather remain friendly than create a divide with them, which I totally get. They
may have seen that that one party was being more offensive than the other, but the other (me) was keeping it going. For that I offer apologies. I'm sure you guys don't like seeing the forum dissolve into that kind of mess, regardless of who's more right and who's more wrong.
So, today's a new day. Let's go forward with a new 'tude!