Originally Posted by regular.joe
Map and a compass have become archaic.
I've never used a compass except in team building yomping exercises (yawn) but I stopped driving before SatNav came in, so it would be weird for me not to use a map.
Chances are I would plot an unfamiliar journey online, but I'd still want something beside me, written down in case of diversions/ accidents etc.
BUT the two teens working with me on the 27th both have SatNavs in their cars now (the 17yo got hers for Christmas) and find the idea of maps seriously archaic. Like, who has a map in their car anyway? Why? Then again, neither of them have driven anywhere unfamiliar to them yet. The day after I passed my driving test I drove into Central London! The day after that I drove the evil ex to a job interview in Reading (reasonably sized city I had never been to before).
I guess if I ever drive again I will succumb to SatNav - I'm not anti it or anything. It just seems odd that the beauty of maps has been lost so quickly to the next generation.