Originally posted by juju
Why should I care about the pain of a chicken? I only look out for the well-being of other humans so that the race in general will look out for me as well. You know -- "Treat others like you would like to be treated"? There's nothing a chicken can do for me. Therefore, why should I care?
It's a damn shame slavery is illegal here. I'd buy your ass and torture you to death over a long period of time, regardless of whatever our colors are. I mean, why the fuck should I care if you're in pain when I can
buy you? Money makes the man. Having more makes me better than you. You're a classless low cast piece of shit. If you were on fire, I wouldn't take the time to piss on you to put it out.
I mean, really, I only look out for the well-being of other rich people. What can a worthless piece of shit like you do for me? Therefore, why should I care?